monday at the madhouse // missing the kid
I hardly got any photos in this week as I was shooting for so many hours on other projects. That, and I only got about 15 minutes of daylight each weekday with The Kid, which I used to snuggle instead of take photos.Above, the boys enjoy the Sunday paper. Or maybe not enjoy it? I'm not sure what moment I caught Jamie in... maybe mid-chew?
And today was my full day with the family. And I got sick as a dog. Which meant most of the play time fell to Jamie... again. (Sad.) But he did a bang-up job!
But besides killin' it on the Dad Front, Jamie also managed to fix the broken refrigerator by himself. So he's just winning Husband of the Year all around. We thought we were going to have to spend hundreds of dollars to have the fridge fixed before Thanksgiving, but then Jamie searched You Tube, ordered a $3 part online, and proceeded to blow me away with his skills.
In terms of kid news, Ezra got a third tooth this week, so there was a lot of chewing on teething toys.
And he started hugging us. A lot. Which is awesome.