monday at the madhouse // out and about
We were out on the town all week it seemed! Ezra attended art openings, lunch with girlfriends, dinner with another family and loads of errands. And he met a cat! But we had some great times at home too snuggling, cooing and playing quietly. And there was also some screaming. Oh yeah, there was some screaming.We had one night where we got practically zero sleep, and then last night when Ezra slept for more than NINE HOURS straight, woke up to feed and then let us sleep in until 9:30 am. So that was about the most fantastic night ever.Merlin has made an amazing recovery from his illness, and he was playing in the yard today and even took a short walk with me (!!!). Magda is in need of exercise and attention, so we took her and Ezra on a much longer walk to deal with that. And ever since they have both been sleeping, so that worked like magic.Photos of the week are below. Enjoy!
"Oh yeah, I'll just blow raspberries at my toes and ignore those needles over there." Yup, four month vaccinations were this week.
Tummy time for everyone.
Practicing for his senior portrait.
We met up with my buddy Gigi for lunch at Pizzeria Lola and she showed him the room and the windows so I could eat.
Have I mentioned this fascination with blowing bubbles? It's like he's already practicing farting sounds. He finds it hilarious. Boys.
Tickle time with dad.
Playing airplane with dad.
Magda has been roaming the house without her collar so she's quieter and doesn't wake napping babes. She looks so wild to me without it!
We took Ezra out Saturday night with our friends The Petersens to a french restaurant. He was enamored by Eric.
Today it got to FORTY DEGREES! So out we went! Ezra is in two onesies, pants, snow boots, a fleece snow suit and gloves. He was plenty warm (stop worrying, grandmothers). Magda was naked. She was fine as well.
Aaaand, Ezra fell asleep on our way back. Jamie snapped this photo. Who sleeps like this?