monday at the madhouse ~ ready for the holiday


01wWhat a weekend! It all started on Friday when Nyberg and I took Ezra on his first train ("ChooChoo") ride on the light rail to St. Paul. Not only was he thrilled to be on an actual train, but he was even more thrilled that it was YELLOW (his very favorite color right now). Plus, we went to an amazing bakery while across the river.Besides that, we had a bunch of friends and their kids over for brunch on Sunday. After eating, we pulled out the kiddie pool for some laughs.05wAmazingly, Ezra didn't want in the pool. He was far too enamored with this claw that another boy brought over. We might want to pick one of those up...02wHere is Fitz jumping into the pool!03wAnd Dez! Having two little boys called Dez and Ez in the same yard is not confusing at all.06wAnd here is Winnie trying out the squirt gun we use on Magda to keep her in line. That was a big hit.04wThis is baby Jules! Almost 4 mos. old already!07wAnd here we have our favorite music nerd holding a baby.08wFitz was terrified of dogs when he arrived. This was right before he left. Good job, Magda.LJP_9570wAnd later that day, we played with Legos. And Ez seems a bit sad that he doesn't fit into the container any more. Seriously, look at how long those legs are.However, the biggest event of the weekend was not (on purpose) captured by the camera. You guys, MY KID PEED IN A POTTY! Ok, only once. And it was likely a fluke. But whatever! That was one less diaper for me! We were very excited over here.And I know there weren't many pix of the kid this week. I'll do better next week, I promise. Because you know what? THREE DAY WEEKEND, WOOT! Not that I'm excited or anything.