monday at the madhouse // recovery mode
Hi there! Did you all have a wonderful holiday? I hope so. And I hope you are well rested, well fed and returning to work in a happy and healthy place.Me? I'm still battling a horrific cold. (Yes, I beat the last one. Then this toddler of mine gave me a new one. I really cannot win.) But the time off was much needed around these parts (especially due to illness), and we made the most of our long weekend.The highlight of the weekend (besides a visit from my folks) is that Ezra continues his love of organization and cleaning up. One habit the kid cannot seem to break just yet is the love of his bottle. This drives me nuts because after he's had enough, he loves to turn the bottle over and shake out its remaining contents all over the rug/floor/couch/whatever. Gross. I always take the bottle away and then clean up the mess. Well! Now, when he does it, I take the bottle away and when I turn around, he has grabbed a tea towel or cloth of some kind, and is trying to clean up the mess himself. Who can get mad at that?!? Adorable.The lowlight is the lack of sleep. Seriously, kid. I know you are teething, but you are 1 year old. GO TO SLEEP.
Another highlight was when Meredith stopped by with her pup, Wally, and Ezra was drawn to the dog immediately (duh). I totally love it when friends drop in. When you grow up in the city you reside in, this isn't rare. When you move here in your late twenties, it's a fabulous surprise. As long as you're dressed. :)
We also picked up our Christmas Tree this weekend, and thankfully Ezra likes it, but is not TOO into it (like, pulling it down or eating it).
What Ezra is really into instead, is Magda... who might be a touch freaked out by all the attention. This is Ezra "hugging" Magda.
Poor girl is finding more and more hiding spots around the house. Don't get me wrong, she does like playing with Ez. But she's not as much into the physical hugging part as he is.
And yes, eating with utensils is still a (messy) work in progress.
Here is Ezra with my mom and dad! They drove up from Kansas to spend Thursday and Friday with us.
Magda is watching potential intruders. Ez, as usual, is watching Magda.
My cough has gotten so bad that I am keeping Jamie awake at night (and waking up the kid). So I have moved downstairs and have been sleeping on the couch for the past few nights. I'm honestly not complaining as I think my couch is just as comfy as my bed (seriously), but the living room is starting to look like the sick ward.
Those eyes. I swear.
I suspect I will get this look a lot more when he's a teenager.
And lastly, these two photos just made me happy. We decorated the tree yesterday and today, and that is really fun with a little kid around to see it all for the first time.
For your internet share, this is fascinating. While I totally document Ezra all the time for this blog, something about setting up staged photoshoots each week for money bothers me. I'm too sick/tired to clarify the difference at the moment, but I would love to hear your thoughts!