monday at the madhouse ~ stuffed full!


07wWe had an amazing week full of concerts and farm visits and delicious Mexican food, and so many friends. These times make us feel so blessed to have such full and fun lives! But I only brought my camera a few places (which might have been a mistake, but eh, whatever).The big thing I wish I would have gotten better photos of was when we finally took Ezra to see some live music! By some fluke, after our farm visit he napped until 5, which meant we could keep him up a little later than usual on a Friday night (rarity!). So we hauled him down to the lake to watch Koo Koo Kangaroo perform, and it was a blast. But since it was completely unplanned, I didn't bring my camera. D'oh!However, I think there are plenty of fun farm images to make up for it. Enjoy!05w 04w 06w 01w 02w 09w 08w 03wIMG_8782w 11w 10wAnd lastly, Nyberg was here on Sunday when the kid woke up from his nap and he wanted her to read him a book. I die of the cuteness.