monday at the madhouse // survival


01smIt was a pretty domestic week at home. Lots of work, so lots of rest as well. We cooked a lot, ran lots of errands, tried to figure out the new nap schedule and cleaned up a lot for fall. It was super dull, but much needed.07smEz got this push toy from some dear friends of ours, so he pushed around a bunch of books and magazines all day. Next, we'll fill it with wine and cheese.02smWe also built the first fire of the season, which Ezra was mesmerized by.04smHe played a lot with the newspaper. Always a good time.03smMagda had a nice recovery from the raisin incident, although Ezra cruising through the house with the cart might not be her favorite thing. As you can see, she has a small scar on her nose right now from her cut a few weeks back. I hope it fades...05smEzra also started this weird growly smile thing.06sm 08smAnd here's the boy in his other halloween costume, The Monkey. Have I mentioned this kid eats an entire banana every single morning? Oh yeah. And yes, I have 2 costumes for him. One was a freebie. Don't judge.