monday at the madhouse // teeth!
See those nubs in his mouth up there? Those are The Kid's first teeth. And man, have they made this week painful.The poor guy not only got his first teeth, but he also switched into the Toddler Classroom, which means he's down to one nap a day (which means he is exhausted and c.r.a.n.k.y. when he gets home). But we're working through all of this, and we're hoping that in a few days we'll be back to normal.But because of the said exhaustion and my extended workload, there are only photos of Ez from Sunday this week. We tried to make it count. Enjoy!
We began the day with a trip to Ikea, where we rewarded Ez with an ice cream cone (his first!) at the end of the journey. Man, that was a HIT. Except he didn't really know how to eat it and tried to, um, suck the ice cream cone. No comment. Why is the photo from the end of the cone? Because I was the one feeding it to him, and at the end switched off for the photo. Sometimes, it's more fun to be in on the action than documenting it. Forgive me.
Later, we checked out a new playground where we randomly bumped into our buddies Eero, Betz and Eric. They live on the other side of town, so it was super fun to see them out of the blue. We spent part of our visit trying to convince them to move closer to us, and the other part of the visit Ezra tried on Eric's hat. It *almost* fits.
We also took Ez to see the ducks. This was fascinating to him, and a beautiful day to do it.And that's it! Sorry for the brevity. Please send Ezra all of your "painless teething" prayers. He needs 'em.