monday at the madhouse ~ total bliss
This week started out rough as Ezra was sent home with Pink Eye, which meant a lot of altered work plans and a lot of disinfecting the house until he was no longer contagious. But... there was an upside...Since that day? The kid has slept 13 hours straight each night.Also? We got Magda this crazy new dog bed that I've been coveting, and finally found at a massive discount, which meant she slept in it instead of in our own bed (under the covers and hogging all the space). All of this has translated into five nights of glorious, uninterrupted sleep. We are all well rested and happy. And (for now), we are all healthy. It is a beautiful thing.
Ezra being home during the week days meant he was here when the mail arrived. Ah, the magic of bubble wrap!
And Magda's new dog bed came in this huge box! Which provided about an hour of entertainment.
We also made it out to Sunday brunch with friends, which was rad.
And I snapped this because I am just totally in love with those cute little legs.
And here's my guy just hamming it up. Maybe next weekend, we'll gather our courage and make it out for a professional haircut. We'll see...For your internet share of the day, how about these videos of Michael Jackson rehearsing for the Thriller video. Man that guy could dance!