monday at the madhouse... tuesday edition
What a week. Man.I was soooo excited for all the family time I had coming at me during our long weekend. I just had no idea how, um, up-close and personal it would get. Poor Ezra barfed in his crib sometime in the night on Wednesday, and I woke up to find him covered in dried puke and man... that is a terrible smell. And not the best way to start a long weekend.The rest of the weekend consisted of more puking (once on Jamie and once all over moi -- the aftermath of Jamie's encounter is captured below because since it was the first occurrence, we thought it was funny. Ha! JOKE'S ON US!), lots of snuggling, and more TV than this kid has ever been allowed to watch before.To give you an idea of how sick he was, we started opening presents Christmas morning and at 9 am, Ezra pointed at the stairs, went upstairs and pointed at the crib, asking to go back to bed. On Christmas morning. With loads of gifts left to unwrap. Yeah, it was not good.
Here are my guys watching Shaun the Sheep (excellent suggestion, Stacy!). And if you don't want to see the puke photo, scroll real fast...
because here is Jamie covered in puke. Notice how not only is he covered in barf, but he's holding Magda off so she can't eat it. We are so damn classy around here.And instead of helping him to immediately clean up, I grabbed my camera and began laughing. Yeah. I should have known I'd get my own vomit attack later in the week with that karma coming back at me.
And how do you entertain a toddler while cleaning up the puke? A roll of paper towels, of course.
One of Ezra's favorite gifts Christmas morning was an art easel. He's still figuring out how all the markers work, etc, but it's super fun to watch him explore.
These games of peek-a-boo by the fire are pretty awesome.
And once Ezra's stomach cleared up, I made him a blueberry and banana smoothie. Good thing he's so neat at the table, eh?Oh, and toward the end of the weekend, the virus hit Jamie and I. And the photos ended because there was no time that was not spent in the bathroom or in bed with a fever. Until today, when we can finally eat bland toast and ginger ale. Awesome times, I tell you.