monday at the sickhouse
What a weekend.As I mentioned, I kept Ezra out of daycare on Friday so we could have an extra day together. We went to the zoo to see the baby farm animals with dear Nyberg, and it was so much fun. When we got home, I put Ezra down for his nap and he slept, and slept and slept... and slept. Finally, after almost 3 hours I went in to check on him, and we'll just say there had been some "intestinal distress" during his sleep. And it was everywhere.Ah, parenthood.The rest of the entire weekend was spent at home playing, sleeping, dying Easter eggs, coloring etc, etc, etc. And it was also full of puke cleanup duty, horrendous diapers and SO MUCH LAUNDRY.And KU lost in the Elite Eight. And I almost sliced the tip of my finger clean off while cooking.But, it's a new week, and hopefully Ezra's appetite returns soon (along with a tougher stomach). At least his spirits remained high despite the illness... and he's still adorable. He has those 2 things going for him, for sure.
For your internet shares of the day, I think this movie will fix my thirst for more Downton Abbey (for a minute, anyway).