monday with justin timberlake


0210jtsmMiss Magda will have to wait a few days -- first because I figure you guys would want to see some Justin Timberlake, and second because she was in doggie daycare all day which left no time for images of her.So! Last night I got to photograph the JT concert! And how much fun! Not only because (let's be real) this man is dang easy on the eyes, but also because I shot it on deadline and as a former journalist, I do love a great deadline-fueled adrenaline rush. Oh, I have 15 minutes to edit my take of 500 images down to 5, write captions and send them all into the newspaper? LET'S GO!And then, to wake up this morning and see the photos that I took 9 hours before in print, so big and pretty! It was a great day. So that's what I'm sharing with you today. Plus, I know my mom wants to see it :)And for your internet share, I'm giving you two today. The first is completely self-serving because it's an interview with me in a local magazine! They have narrowed down the cities' top concert photographers to a group of finalists, and I am amazingly flattered to be included in the group. Each day, they are running a profile on one of the finalists for people to read about and then vote on (it's a reader's choice award). And today I was profiled! You can read it here.And for the non-promotional internet share of the day, how about this article about how Target is letting top Pinterest users create a line for them? How rad is that?