monday with magda // attack of the killer bubbles


01bubblessmToday I thought I would entertain Magda with bubbles. And just like any kid, she just couldn't wait to pop them. There would be no sitting, staying or holding still while these Creatures of Evil floated around her, so finally I just embraced it and shot what I could. Admittedly, this shoot would have gone a lot better had I had my trusty assistant to help with food etc. But he started his first day at his new job today, and believe it or not, working as a director of internet marketing strategy at a large company tends to pay more than working as a lowly Shuttersmack photo assistant. Although, working with Magda and me might be more fun. Just saying.Below are a few more outtakes. The last one isn't tack sharp, but my word did she get angry! Too funny!02bubblessm 03bubblessm 04bubblessm