monday with magda // bathtime


0818magssmYou know what happens when your parents wake up early on the weekend and treat you to a trip to the farmer's market and the dog park and you pay them back by rolling in feces at said park? YOU GET A BATH. A LONG, UNPLEASANT BATH. AND A SCOLDING.Seriously. Must we stoop to that level of gross? Really?I will never understand the "instinct" that some dogs have to roll in dead things or poop.The rest of the weekend was pretty mellow around the house. We were very busy with chores and the like, but the mood is pretty low around these parts as we are still deeply saddened by the loss of Alby. No internet share today, folks. I just don't have it in me to browse online for funny things when all I want to do is curl up in bed. I'll try to get back on the horse tomorrow.In the meantime? Go hug the people you love. Tell them how much they mean to you. Enjoy every day that you have.