monday with magda // future's so bright
Aw, poor Magda had no idea how much she'd have to work it when she was adopted by us almost a year ago. But look how far she's come! This was one of the toughest shoots because she *really* didn't like having to look through the sunglasses, but nothing like a little chicken skin to get a girl motivated, eh? And bless my man Jamie for stepping in as the dog trainer extraordinaire.I don't know about where you guys live, but here in Minneapolis it's been raining for days and days and days and days. We tried to get Mags into daycare a few times, but they were full! So she has a reservation tomorrow. And yes. I have a reservation for my dog at daycare. When did I become this person? When I adopted a Vizsla, that's when. I don't know who will be more thrilled about that, Mags because she can play all day or Merlin because he'll finally have some peace and quiet around the house.And speaking of Merlin! He had his annual vet checkup today and is doing great. He's in a touch more pain now though, so we're going to try some mild pain relievers tomorrow. And we're waiting until tomorrow morning to try them because apparently they have the unfortunate side effect of causing hallucinations in a small percentage of dogs. So, you know, Merlin could start barking or howling at the wall tomorrow. Ah, should be entertaining around here at least.
For your internet share of the day, how about we all go check out Prince's mansion in Spain that he's selling for eight million dollars. The only part of this house that resembles anyplace I thought Prince would live is the kitchen (you have to click through to the listing to see that room).