monday with magda // look who's sitting still


0113magssmShe's definitely a dog now, eh? The puppy energy is still there, but when she sits at attention, she appears full grown.It's amazing that when we first got her, we thought she looked more like a dog than a pup (at 5 months), but now when we go back to those first pictures, you can see a difference for sure.In the last few weeks, this girl has gotten so dang good. It's almost shocking. (And I'm knocking on wood as I type this.) We are so, so grateful for this excellent behavior since it's now so cold out that we just can't walk her as much as we did in the summer.As an example of her improved self, now when she charges into the bedroom after eating breakfast and going outside, instead of trying to eat your face off like a creature from a 1980s horror flick, she shoves her nose into my face, I put my arm over her shoulder and she nestles in beside me, rolling onto her back and tucking her head into my neck before falling back to sleep. WHEW. I am so glad we got that routine down.And the photos here? They require serious training because I'm using gridded light in the studio, which means it's aimed specifically at her head and if she moves at all, she goes black. So she was sitting and holding very still while I shot these. Which is a huge feat for a young vizsla, trust me.2mags0113smI know she was quite the beast when we adopted her back in May, having been returned several times to the rescue for her wild behavior, but it really shows how a lot of love, patience and hard work can help a dog. Worth every minute.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you over to this site I found called Pack. It's like a facebook for your dog! Crazy! I probably won't spend much time on it, but I love checking out the other collies and vizslas. I'm just nuts like that.