monday with magda // morning blizzard


0217magssmI checked the forecast yesterday, and it said we would get 1-2 inches of snow today. We woke up to a significant snowstorm and the forecast now says 1-2 inches PER HOUR. Yeah, those last two words make a bit of difference, right?Magda here is getting super antsy with winter. She has been extremely well behaved this week, but she needs more runs and longer walks to burn her energy, so she's back at daycare today. The amazing news is that tomorrow it's supposed to be FORTY TWO degrees, so I'm pretty sure I'll put on shorts and a tank top and walk the dogs all afternoon in my flip flops! Or something like that :) I seriously cannot wait for that heat spike.Plus, hopefully, it will melt a bunch of this snow so that the shoveling won't be as bad.Even today, it's supposed to hit 36 degrees, so it looks like Merlin might get a walk as well. Oh man, how happy will I be if we can keep these temperatures around!For the internet share of the day, NPR is streaming the new Beck album for free. It is perfect for these snowy winter days.