monday with magda // my very own raskally rabbit


0414mwmsmSo last week I was at Target (of course), and I spied these bunny ears for ONE DOLLAR. Since I have a few kids shoots before Easter, I thought it would be fun to throw one or two in for the holiday... and to force a pair onto Magda. So I purchased one and then left it on my bedroom dresser.And then we found Magda eating the ears yesterday. SERIOUSLY.So then I got two MORE pair (thank god they're cheap) and now they are stored up high in the closet of my photo studio studio (which is shut off from the rest of the house). And then I forced them on the dear pup today. Obviously, she's quite pleased about it.For your internet share today, how about this post on how to clean up your wooden outdoor furniture for the season! I have a wooden bench for my front porch that I love but that looks like hell. Maybe I'll try this... you know... later.