monday with magda // not allowed on the couch


0331dogssmToday I was working on the computer and I came downstairs for some coffee to find this scene right here. Let me remind you that our dogs are not allowed on the couch without an invitation. That means that we lay their blanket down and then they know it's ok, or we are sitting on the couch and pat the cushions to invite them up. Clearly, they follow this rule completely, and obviously we are totally in charge around here.At least they are sharing, eh?Magda's been pretty happy this week because her long walks have returned, which helps her burn off the INSANE amount of energy that she possesses. Merlin is angry that we won't walk him longer than a few blocks, but he's limping after that, so we call it off and bring him back inside. Hopefully he regains his strength slowly this summer.For your internet share today, I'm sending you to the NASA site where they are letting the public vote on what the newest space suits will look like. I was SUPER excited when I first heard about this! Because, as we all know, I  do love space stuff. But you guys? These are all pretty darn ugly.