monday with magda // october


1027magssmI'm going to be honest here, I shot this photo last week. I was walking Ezra and Magda with some girl friends, and we stumbled upon a yard full of leaves, so they worked with me (and the handy help of a saltine cracker) to get this shot of my girl.But if I were shooting something today (which I don't really have the energy to do), I would be photographing Merlin. That boy was up sick again last night. Really, really sick. To where I was inquiring about... certain measures that could be done in our home this week.I couldn't sleep because after waking up to him being so ill, a) I was worried sick and b) I couldn't breathe through my nose because I'd been crying so hard. Oh. And c) I had a baby who wanted to be fed.So this morning was filled with lots of tears, lots of emails to vets and some of the planning that as a pet owner you never want to do.And then?Then we left Merlin outside today (in case of more illness) and he ran around the yard barking and wagging his tail and even trying to wrestle and play with Magda. Those are not the actions of a dog on his deathbed. So... now we are back to where we were.I tell you what, nothing is harder than when a dog nears his end. And yeah, you're probably about to get an onslaught of Merlin photos. Mags got the spotlight today because I had this photo in the can, but tomorrow? It's his day.