monday with magda // retro edition


0916magssmThis morning we flew back from Chicago, and Magda was bursting with enthusiasm when I got home. I have never been attacked with love at such force before, and it was adorable. But one thing that really stuck with  me was how *big* she was. Seeing her day-to-day, you kindof lose track at how much she's growing. In my mind, she's still the size above (taken on July 8). When in fact, she is very much a DOG now.And let me be clear, she's a dog who likes to be in charge. Much like an annoying coworker, she loves to tell you what to do and how to do it. Today I had to use my first few hours with her re-establishing the pack order and showing her that 1) I was in charge and 2) Yes, in fact, it IS nap time. Because after 3 hours of sleep and an all-day music festival in the rain, I was still feeling old and tired. But don't worry, I have since recovered. The healing powers of a steamy shower and a 2-hour nap are quite remarkable.And speaking of being a touch old, crabby and cold, today's internet share of the day is of an iceberg discovered in Antarctica that looks like a grumpy old man. I love it!* Side note: Breaking Bad! Hoooooly Moly was that stressful and sad and thought provoking. And Jesse! OMG, JESSE!  I am totally shell shocked after watching that tonight.