monday with magda // such a good girl


1229mwmsmMagda has been such a doll lately. She's not getting a ton of exercise, but I was able to steal away an hour for a long walk with her yesterday before the temperature got to the unbearable one degree that we had today. I mean, let's be clear, she's still got, um, "spirit" in the sense that I catch her with my memory cards in her mouth, pens between her paws on the couch and mouthing away on Ezra's new jumper. But on the flip side, she's super loving, nothing but snuggles and kisses for the baby, and she's taking loads of naps and not being super demanding (barky) with me during nap times. Which is key these days. I've even caught her licking Merlin.For your internet share of the day, how about this recipe for maple pecan pie, eh? My own recipe would be this:Step one: Drive to bakery.Step two: Purchase pie.But since I know some of you like to bake and are coming up on some time off, here you go.