monday with magda // sweetheart edition


0825magssmI seriously hesitate to write this for fear of jinxing myself, but Magda here has been a total sweetheart as of late. She's super snuggly and full of kisses and even, ahem, MINDING. Maybe it's the heat? Maybe it's so exhausting that she just lacks the energy to be ornery right now. I dunno, but I'll take it.Also, while things are totally normal over here in Plesserville, I wanted to alert you guys that when I do go into labor, there will be no blogging for a bit. Or maybe I'll post some photos every once and awhile, but not many words. I'm not sure how I'll be in those first few weeks of sleepless parenthood. Apparently complete Zombieland is a real possibility, so please be patient. I have arranged to keep my Savory Sundays going for a bit, but that's it for awhile.Please don't give up on me. I'll just need my rest. And don't you worry, I am already securing photo passes for a concert or two in October. So I'm planning on not going totally soft (right away, anyway).Now, for your internet share of the day! I have two today. First? I am currently coveting this leather jacket for fall. LOOK AT THAT LINING. I would rock that so hard. And second? Look at these sweet baby bears. Awwww.