monday with magda // the nester


0908magssmAwwww, look at that cutie.After breakfast and the newspaper (and a very small amount of work), I went to find Miss Magda. When things get super quiet around the house, it means she's either a) getting into trouble b) napping or c) hiding from a small child. I was pretty sure she was down for her morning nap, but I wanted to check because I could only find one of my sneakers. And yup! Here she is, napping with the other one.I would also like to point out that she is in my bed, which was all made up before she arrived. She loves to jump into a made bed, pull down the covers and rearrange all the pillows so that she is nested in all nice and cozy. It would make me crazy except that it's so dang cute. Also? I found her napping today in 1) my bed 2) the daybed in my office 3) the sofa in the living room and 4) the bed in the basement. And in each instance, she had carried this shoe with her. She doesn't eat it or destroy it, she just feels better with it there.This dog, I tell you. TOTALLY ADORABLE.I'm packing in a bunch of internet shares right now in case I go into labor (WHICH WOULD BE AWESOME ANY TIME NOW KID PLESSER), as I like to keep you all entertained.So up first, this appliance could totally make my life easier and at the same time scare the crap out of the dogs. Hmm... entertainment for all? Nah, I'm not that cruel. Yet.Up second, if you think you're having a crap day or things are hard or you're just feeling really sorry for yourself, go check out some of the stories from Humans of New York as of late. This one knocked everything into perspective for me.And lastly! That last one was harsh, no? Let's lighten things up a bit. As photographers, sometimes we do get feedback like this. Aaaah, these are the clients you run from.