morning snow
We had surprise snow this morning, and it was so pretty! It has been so warm lately that almost all of our snow has melted and has left behind ugly, dirty, icy slush. So to have a pristine white blanket over the city this morning was beautiful.As soon as I got Ezra off to daycare, I ran outside to capture the falling flakes. I took one snap of Magda to get my camera settings adjusted... and then the snow stopped. Yup. Just my luck! But here are a few frames I captured anyway.
And here are some fun internet shares for the day!This gnocchi recipe looks amazing -- I might have to make that this weekend.This aerial video of herding sheep is totally mesmerizing (and if you watch closely, you can see the dogs working!)Ever wonder what Emily Blunt and John Krasinski's house looked like? Not too shabby.And lastly, here are some great life lessons.