morning with mere


03wI met up with my dear friend Meredith this morning to take some new head shots of her (and her dog!). How cute is this girl!?!? And let me assure you, she is a great way to start the day. I've been having a hard week, and she had me laughing and smiling like crazy. We all need friends like that.Why am I having a hard week, you ask? Nothing major. I'm pretty stressed out about the election, to be honest. Ezra is in the throes of toddlerdome and potty training, and if you didn't know, that shit is hard. And the two of those things together are keeping me up a bit at night, which means I'm cranky.  Hopefully (fingers crossed), this all gets a bit easier next week.But how about some internet shares to cheer us all up, eh?+ Did you hear Dessa is going to be on the new Hamilton soundtrack? How bananas is that!?+ Have you heard about these solar roofs? Man-oh-man I hope I win the lottery so I can get me one of those.+ This site shows you where your last name is most common. Mine is most popular in Germany! Which is nuts because none of the American Plessers I know will willingly set foot in the country that killed off their ancestors.