mr. smiley


1021ezrasmSo I've been trying to keep The Kid off the blog except for Saturdays. But today I was taking these photos to show Ezra's Aunt Norma that he's getting use of the Jayhawk gear she knit for him, and he was SO SMILEY. I just couldn't resist his cute expression, and plus his Bubie left today to get back to Kansas, and I know how much she'll love seeing another photo of this little guy.And speaking of Kansas, I'm watching the Royals game as I type up this blog post and THIS IS NOT HOW WE WANT TO START THE GAME GUYS.For your internet share of the day, how about these photos of living with a lion? I might have shown that before. I don't care, it's still rad. Also? In case I have shown it before? Go be entertained by these kids shuffling cards. Yeah, you read that right.