mr. corndawg... again


Today was mostly spent working on grading, until we met up with some good friends for an amazing (if not long) dinner over at La Chaya. Have you eaten there yet? Every time I go I am so happy with what I order, but for some reason it's never at the top of my head when I'm trying to choose restaurants. If you have a few hours to kill and want a great meal in South Minneapolis, I highly recommend it. And it's on Open Table, so you can make reservations from your phone!Also, this afternoon while I was working, Mr. Jonny Corndawg tweeted that they were going to play a second night in Minneapolis over at Palmer's for five bucks. Since our evening was open after dinner, and we always have fun at these shows, we checked it out again (as you can see from above). That made this our fourth show of his in one week. Yes, even I'm a little creeped out by that.