pedal steel


What a night! We watched the first 33 minutes of the Kansas game at a sports bar near campus before leaving with seven minutes left (when we were up by 8) to go catch the end of Jonny Corndawg's set at the Triple Rock. I know, I know. I saw him play twice last week -- but those were short sets. Plus, the crowds are smaller in Minneapolis, and I wanted to show my support.Anyway, while at the show, you can bet Jamie was plugged into his phone keeping up with the end of the game, and thank god we eeked another one out. Next up? Carolina.Yeah.I'm a little nervous about that one.But back to the music. This photo is of the pedal steel guitar player, Spencer Cullins Jr., who we saw after the show *standing* and this kid is about 6'4. And ladies? He's from England which means there's an accent, I'm sure. Go get him.