my dog is more hipster than yours
Yesterday, I posted this wonderful photo of Ezra on Instagram. Magda? She will not be outdone, especially by some snot-nosed kid (as she tells me). So yesterday afternoon she was huffing and puffing and barking and frustrated because she hasn't gotten a walk in *forever* due to the weather and the rampant illness throughout the house. So I took her down to the studio.For some reason, making her work for treats and pose takes a lot of concentration and energy from her, and it's almost as good as a walk.So here she is, my little hipster pup.
I have many internet shares today! First, I'm dying to try this white bean soup recipe. Maybe this weekend... Next, I also want to try these three-ingredient pancakes because, well, they look easy and they are paleo. Win! And since we're on a food kick, I loved this story on what chef's send with with their kids to school for lunch. Since I just realized that pb&j sandwiches are now outlawed, I am stumped as to what I will do in the future. But probably nothing as extreme as those chefs...