my favorite kid photos of 2018


post by leslie

Helloooooooo! How was your New Year's Day? Did you make resolutions? Did you eat healthy? Did you exercise? Talk to me!I worked out (yay!) which was super good because it was so freezing-ass cold here that I didn't move much outside of that (my new fitbit agrees -- less than 5,000 steps!), I cleaned a little, I made some resolutions and I parented over and over and over again. Parenting, I have decided, is like some weird combination of constant annoyance and frustration and extreme love and adoration. It's weird.Anyway, our kid was tired from the big New Year's celebration, so we paid for that today. And in that spirit, I'm going to share with you my favorite family/kid photos from 2018! These are photos that made me smile or laugh (I bet half of them are not the parents' favorite picks from the session, but they are mine!). Enjoy!