my second baby jack this year!


1105jacksmTonight I had a session with some clients who won my heart over for good. First? Amazingly well-behaved baby. Second? Amazingly photogenic bulldog (!!!) Third? They plied me with delicious wine during the shoot! Fourth? I want to live in their house. So, so beautiful. Anyway, to say I had a good time would be an understatement. Plus? I got to work with this little guy who was super well behaved and charming (not to mention his bulldog brother).And speaking of photographing well-behaved and charming children... I have a bit of an announcement! I am hosting a photography workshop for amateur photographers in January -- particularly aimed at those of you who want to take better photos of your children. Would you like to know more? Click on over here, and I should get most of your questions answered. And if you have more, just shoot me a note!Teaching at the U has been something I've really enjoyed over the past few years, and I have tons and tons of clients ask me camera questions all the time. Questions like, what kind of camera they should buy or if I charge for lessons on their new camera or where they should take photography classes etc, etc, etc. So I figured maybe *I* should just offer a workshop and see if you guys liked it. I hope you do -- I think it's going to be great fun!Now, enough about work! Let's find some fun stuff on the internet, shall we?How about learning the science behind why everyone (and I mean *everyone*) hates seeing photos of themselves. There is a real reason! Check it out!Not interesting enough for you? Ok, fine. How about reading about chimpanzees that play with robots and laugh about it? So much fun!Are those too many words? Do you just want to look at pretty pictures instead? How about this amazing food blog. Yuuuuuuuuummmmmm.