my sweet old man


0319MerlinsmOh, friends. This is getting so hard.Merlin here is just getting more and more feeble. Is he sick? No. Is he in pain? We don't think so. The problem is, he's so damn weak. He can no longer climb stairs without us spotting him. And he can't go down stairs without us carrying his back legs. And getting up is a struggle. And standing on hardwood floors is a struggle. I mean, it's a real struggle. I can drop food on the floor for the boy, and if he has to get up to get to it, he'll just stay where he is thankyouverymuch. And he is spending hours and hours just sleeping in the same spot on the rug every day.This is not the life Merlin wants. And this is not the life we want for Merlin.There have been a lot of very hard discussions in our house these days. It is so damn hard.No date has been set. Nothing has been decided for sure. But you guys... I think we're just watching day by day at this point.Goddamn I love this dog so much.No internet share for the day. Go snuggle your loved ones. And maybe watch some basketball.