my kind of workshop


So this was how I *started* my day. Sometimes being a freelance photographer is just about the most awesome thing on the planet. Ok, most of the time. Anyway, today I attended a workshop on how to use my flash.You have probably noticed (if you're a photographer-type) that I am big on natural light. It just suits my style better than flash photography, and frankly not only do I generally not like the look that a flash gives, but I just hate using it period. And I'm trying to get over that.So I attended this workshop today specifically aimed at wedding photographers who use their flashes at receptions (flashes are mandatory during the dances). And it was great! I learned all these fantastic, new techniques that make me hate the flash much less, and I was super excited. And then I accidentally dropped my flash and it broke. I know, right? Awesome luck. It couldn't break back when I hated it, but only once I had seen its value. In fact, about the exact hour that I realized its value. Ugh.So now I'm ordering a new, nicer flash. But I digress, let's talk about this photo. This is Jess, and we decided to shoot portraits of each other in the men's restroom. Oh wait, I should explain. Eliesa, who held the workshop, was smart enough to have it in the darkest, dankest bar in town, the 331. She figured by starting in the absolute worst lighting scenario imaginable, it would build our confidence, and she was right! So we all met there at 11 am and Eliesa bought all of our beers. Seriously. I told you it was fun to be a photographer.Anyway, I pulled my partner Jess into the men's restroom because, well, how often do you have full run of a dive bar? And I loved the subway tile, and the ladies' room doesn't have the radiator. So this was like the 3rd to last frame before I dropped my flash. It's kinda like something you'd see in Spin. Um, not the quality of the shot, but more like the style of the shot. Anyway, it's different for me. Look out, I'm tryin' to grow. Or something.*Also, sidenote: To get this angle I am balancing in heels standing on the rim of the men's toilet with a heavy camera and flash trying to frame my shot without falling in. I'm frankly just proud that I didn't drop my gear into the shitter. (sorry for the language, dad)

Daily PhotoLeslie Plesser