naughty or nice?


holidaymagssmWell hello there! Have I got a deal for you! I have partnered up with the wonderful (and patient) doggie daycare, Woof Central, that watches our dear Magda here on a regular basis. Partnered up on what, you ask? We're going to get you all outfitted with some wonderful portraits for your pets for the holidays! Who loves you guys? I do!So here's the deal. I'll be offering quickie $60 holiday studio sessions on Friday, Nov. 15 at Woof Central (near Hwy 62 and Penn). You get three high-resolution photos of your dog to to use on your holiday cards or as gifts. I'll even have props! Antlers! Lights! Santa hats! And hopefully other holiday goodies.A few notes about the sessions:• You need to sign up asap as space is limited. How do you do that? You call or email Woof Central and get on their sign-up sheet. 612.866.9663 or• I may have mentioned before that Woof Central offers one free trial day of doggie daycare to newcomers. This is the perfect chance to try it out! You need to make a reservation with them and you need to send ahead proof of your dogs vaccinations. But! This way, you can drop your pup off on your way to work, your dog gets to play with others all day long except for the time I take him/her away for a photo, and then you pick your dog up at the end of the day and pay only for the photo session. WHAT. A DEAL. And trust me when I tell you your pup will be happy and exhausted for the whole next day.• But what if you want a photo of you AND your dog TOGETHER? Yes, I'll do that as well! You need to call Woof Central and get on a separate sign up sheet for that, though.• What if you want photos of you and your three dogs and nine children and two grandparents? I will even *try* to accommodate that, but you still only get three images in the end (so everyone better keep those eyes OPEN!). And all photos have to be the same combo of  subjects -- no shots of kids alone, grandparents alone etc etc etc. ALSO! There is a $10 charge for each additional subject after the first three. A subject can be dog or human or alien. Whatever.• What if you want just a photo of  you and your kids and you don't care about the dog? Then you are in the wrong place and you should reach out to me separately for information. This day is for the dogs.• What if you want to come do this shoot for your dog but you are afraid to leave your dog at daycare all day? I will try to accommodate that. Please email me to discuss further.• What if you don't want Christmas props? That's fine! I will have you fill out a form when you drop the hound off telling me such so that you will get regular pet portraits with no hint of holidays.• How soon will I have the images back to you? I am going to try my very hardest to get everyone their electronic files by November 19 so you'll still have time for gifts, cards etc.Any other questions, please holler at me in the comments and I'll try to get you answered. I think this is going to be rad and so much fun! Please bring me your dogs and I will take wonderful care to get you a gorgeous holiday image!And for your internet share of the day, I'm being totally self-promotional and sending you back to Pets of Lyndale so you can remember how much fun I have taking dog portraits and why, exactly, you should get on this.