need a new headshot?


Hello, hello!I have found that many people, when the new year begins, would like to update their photos on social media, linked in (maybe a resolution for new work?) and tinder / (a different sort of resolution at play?). So I usually have a ton of requests for head shots this time of year -- which is great! I adore showing you how beautiful you all are!So I've set aside a day just for this purpose, and I think you guys should sign up right quick. Here are the details:When: Friday, Jan 27.Where: I'll be shooting in my studio between 10 am and noon, and I'll be shooting out in the wild between 2 and 4 pm. I know it will be cold outside, but maybe we'll pop into a shop for coffee or seek shelter in an alley. Yes, this session might be a little harder, but these photos do have a special feel about them (you can compare the styles above). Also, if you choose the environmental option, I will be picking the location where we'll meet, as I need one spot that will work for many people. If you want something more specific to your own needs, we can schedule a separate day/session! Just let me know.How much: $150What do you get: You'll get five final images of yourself, processed in both color and black and white (so 10 files total). They will be sized for online purposes only though, so you won't be able to turn this into wallpaper. So sorry!How do your sessions work? Great question! All photographers work differently, and this should explain my process.How do I purchase? I'm so glad you asked! Go here.