new year's eve


1231dinnerwHappy New Year, you guys! Tonight we had two of our favorite people over for a casual dinner to ring in 2016. I rarely get to decorate the table, so I had fun setting it all up for... chili and cornbread. Yeah. This table setting was by far the fanciest thing about our evening, but we had a wonderful time!I'm taking the rest of the weekend off from blogging before I return in 2016. You guys, I am so excited for the next year. 2015 was so great in some ways and so hard in others -- I really see each year as a fresh start. I find it truly inspiring.I hope you have a fantastic long weekend, and I hope 2016 is filled with wonderful adventures in your own lives as well.Until then, please enjoy this interview President Obama did with Jerry Seinfeld. Frankly, just the location of where they drank their coffee FASCINATED me. Let's discuss that more, eh?