night at the museum


1121swordssmHow cool are these swords? You see them in movies all the time, but these are in a display at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, and the detailing on the handles is pretty rad.I was over at the museum tonight because they have this event called Third Thursdays where they open the museum up at night, they have a bar and a dj (or sometimes live music), and it's a pretty fun way to explore the art. And let me say it's about seven thousand times better than on a Saturday in the winter when every family and toddler in the universe appears to be there. Don't get me wrong, I do love kids. But shrieking sometimes takes away from my experience.Tonight's event was a touch different in that they showcased a new Northern Grade shop that they've opened in the museum (which features amazing clothes, leather works and Fairbault blankets, for example) as well as a new restaurant. Best yet? They served free wine and coffee. Speaking my language!For your internet share of the day, I'm gonna show you some amazing portraits made out of NAILS. Stunning.