no lights for you.


0913nightsnLast night Jamie and I grabbed a delicious dinner and then came home and went to bed at 8:30 pm... so that we could wake up at 10:30 pm and head out into the country late into the night as we hunted for The Northern Lights. It was all over the news and internet yesterday that the lights would be spectacular last night and Minnesota would have the best views. I was READY. Seeing the aurora borealis has been on my bucket list for years.We were out driving until almost 3 am, and this was all we saw.Now, don't get me wrong -- a beautiful starry night is still romantic and lovely and wonderful. But it is not what I was looking for. Apparently those damn New Englanders got the good stuff last night (which you can see here). Aren't they amazing? Lucky bastards.This morning we were gonna head out to the markets and to get doughnuts and all other kinds of wonderful Saturday fare, but I was still beat from the previous evening's adventures so I sent Jamie out alone. Trying to just stay mellow and relaxed so I'll have my energy stored for the concert tonight.For your internet share today, check out this amazing drawing process for this image of Robin Williams. It completely blew me out of the water.