oh loverboy....


0121merlinsmHandsomest and best dog ever.So you know how Magda got out yesterday and ran for the hills? Last week I was snowblowing the driveway (where the plows had just dumped a huge pile of compacted ice, blocking me from the street) and it was super windy out. I couldn't hear much, because, well, snowblower, and I turn slightly to see Merlin is just standing next to me as I work.The wind had blown open the service door to the garage and Merlin, hanging out in the backyard, decided to come and keep me company. Did he run? No. Is he the best dog in the world? Yes.I know you guys are probably tired of photos of dogs and food and dogs and blah blah blah. But! Don't you worry! Because tomorrow? Tomorrow I am getting out of this cold weather and heading down to New Orleans (for the first time ever). I cannot wait to show you what I see there!For your internet share of the day, how about some really cool portrait/junk/collage thingies? What? I'm almost on vacation! MY BRAIN IS TURNING OFF! Don't judge me on that description (please).