oh so good


02smSo last night we headed down to the Entry to see Diarrhea Planet. Yes, I know that name is awful, but as I keep telling you guys, this band is phenomenal live, and I just can't miss a show. It was SO. MUCH. FUN.And then this morning we got up early and packed for my birthday trip to Montreal. I was sooooooo excited to get out of the country one last time before this kid is born and I was super eager to check out Montreal because I keep hearing how European it feels but it's so much closer. And? Did I mention? My birthday is tomorrow, so this was gonna be awesome. Oh! And the food there is supposed to be AMAZING. And that sounds just about perfect to me.We got everything packed up on time (a small miracle) and were loading up the car when Jamie checked his phone and saw he had a text from Delta that our flight had been cancelled due to weather. Yes, it had been stormy, but our flight wasn't until 1 pm and this wasn't a delay, it was a cancellation. We got in touch with the airline immediately and worked for about 2 hours on every possible option and could not make the trip work. All other flights were booked on Delta and they wouldn't put us on another airline. The best we could do was fly in Saturday and fly back out Sunday, and that wasn't really worth it.Yes, this was frustrating. There were a few tears, and lots of cussing. But whatever, the decision was out of our control and we needed to move on (See! PARENTAL TRAINING). We transferred into Extreme Vacation Planning Mode and ended up realizing that we just couldn't make a domestic trip work very well either because so many hotels, inns etc etc are booked up for the weekend in places like San Francisco, Portland etc etc. Also, there's a huge marathon in Northern Minnesota this week, so that option was out as well. I mean, it is literally the first weekend of summer, so what would you expect?Miraculously, we finally found a cabin that was available in Bayfield, Wisconsin. We have always heard great things about this part of Wisconsin, especially Madeline Island, but we've never had a chance to go. And the cabin allowed dogs. So we cancelled the dog sitter, booked the cabin, and are now packing for a weekend in the woods.It's not what I had in mind, but you guys, we are determined to roll with it and have some fun. DETERMINED, I TELL YOU.Also, I would like to share that as I type this, it is calm and sunny outside and yes I am harboring evil thoughts about Delta right now.So. Why am I blogging instead of hitting the road, you ask? Because I'm not sure if I'll have internet up north for the next few days like I was supposed to have at the hotel in Montreal (which we still have to pay for, by the way, thanks Expedia), so I wanted to give you a heads up in case things go dark on the blog for a while.OK! I think that's it! I'm hitting the road now. Please have a great weekend and please send us good travel juju. Lord knows we need it.Oh! And more photos from the Diarrhea Planet show are up here. SO MUCH FUN!