oh these woods!


post by leslie

Just another shot taken during a family session last week. Quite lovely in the woods, as usual. And much needed after this week of news. I mean what in the world is happening out there? (I'm referring to this, this and this.) I am so saddened by the state of our nation. I thought we were so much better than this.But here are some internet shares anyway.+ Doctors are now prescribing time in nature to improve health and well being. See that photo up there? Think how depressed I'd be if I wasn't out in these locations!+ Moms get such a bad rap. For a long time, I fully believed having a kid would be fun, but I didn't want to be a "mom." Ah well, here I am, with my cool factor out the window!+ Something to cheer us up. Because lord almighty, we could use some cheering up!