old man plesser


0319merlinsmWell, somebody sure is happy to have his daily walks back in the mix now that we're into the 30s! We woke up to this fresh coat of snow today (spring starts day after tomorrow, RIGHT?) and we took an afternoon work break to stroll around the neighborhood sniffing new corners and fire hydrants. Up next? I'm about to take out some smoked salmon to prepare for this week's Savory Sunday, and I'm sure the collie will be EVEN HAPPIER about that.Yes, yes, yes, I'm doing Sunday post today because tomorrow the collie and I are driving to Kansas and Arkansas to embark on a photo project and to see Lorde in concert! So we're wrapping up all of the business/blog/office stuff today if we can.Don't worry, I'll still be blogging from the road. You all just WAIT until you see what I bring you on Saturday. Mmmmhmmm.For today's internet share of the day, I'm sending you to a recipe for a roasted strawberry, rhubarb ice cream cake that looks DIVINE. I am not sure I would take on making a dessert this challenging, but I guarantee you I would eat it.