one hell of a week


0526cranepI was on a shoot last weekend with some new clients (who were fantastic, by the way), when we spotted this crane in the lake. Beautiful, right? And then about five minutes later my camera broke. Not like, "Let's fix it!" broke. Like, "Oh shit, I wore this thing out!" broke. A Nikon is supposed to be good for 150,000 "actuations" (clicks). This camera had 400,000 actuations. So I knew this was coming... but... it was still a little sad. Should I have a funeral? Bronze the thing? Not sure. We'll see...Then on Monday and Tuesday we were sleeping with the windows open and were woken up at 4 am both mornings by some noise. It sounded like a bird in the room, but after listening closer, it sounded more like birds hanging onto the outside of our window screens. I checked both times and saw nothing. I joked that the bats must be returning to the nest. Bad joke.Because last night I was taking Magda for a walk around dusk, and I looked up as we left the house and saw six bats fly from the roof right next to our bedroom window. Yes. That is some creepy stuff right there. But not quite as scary as the cost to relocate the bat colony: $2K. Awesome.And after we got off the phone with the bat exterminator (thanks for answering at 9 pm, by the way!), we were closing the windows to the house and stepped in cold dog vomit and diarrhea. We had been watching the best television ever in the basement when Magda got sick, and so we had been unaware. And then she was up at all hours of the night, still sick.Let's all hope for a better time this weekend, shall we?In the meantime, here are some internet shares for you:+ Waffle croissants? Yes. Let's do this tomorrow.+ A place to store my records and my wine? Ok. (It's for whisky. I prefer vino.)+ And did you year about how Minneapolis has the best park system in the country? Well of course it does.