one more from that courtyard


1206palmswWhile I was enjoying a croissant and my morning coffee in the courtyard, I looked up and snapped this image of the palms over my head. I swear, I felt so damn fancy staying in that amazing hotel.But back to reality!This week is a bit crazy with four shoots left and several meetings awaiting my attention (and I still haven't unpacked or finished up the laundry...). And then there's stuff like holiday cards! And holiday shopping! And buying a tree! And hosting a charity drive! Man this time of year is something else. Wonderful, but something else, am I right? Each time I begin to get overwhelmed, I try to just take myself back to that courtyard. I'll probably be thinking of that spot for years to come.For your internet shares:+ Did you know you can grate maple syrup all over your food? Must. Have.+ I have been loving this app since the election -- it keeps you informed on all sorts of things politics-related.+ 30 movies to watch with the family. Only two I haven't seen!