One week down
Since Ezra had a cold last week, we are technically on day NINE of our social distancing and day six of our actual quarantine (zero human contact due to household fevers that were brief and easy).
The emotional exhaustion is real, y’all. This week I’ve been showing you photos of different “class times,” but I can tell I’m going to need to get far more creative for next week. The good news about this quarantine is that Ezra is in fact practicing piano for 15 minutes every single day, which was not exactly happening before.
Also, Ezra has declared that Fridays are “pajama day” at “school” and, let’s be real, since I haven’t done my hair or makeup all week this feels hilarious to me, but whatever makes the kid giddy, ya know?
And tonight, in celebration of surviving the work week, we are ordering curbside pickup from The Kenwood — one of our very favorite spots in town. If you live in SW Minneapolis, I highly suggest it. Our second choice is Naviyas, which is always phenomenal.
And lastly, there is a very special place in hell for these assholes. I cannot contain my rage, but need to because of the child in the house. And related: You can order wine with your pickup at The Kenwood. And ice cream.