our Hanukkah evenings

Father and son light the Hanukkah candles on the seventh night. Photo by documentary family photographer Leslie Plesser of Shuttersmack in Minneapolis.

We’ve been celebrating Hanukkah for the last week, and as we light more and more candles, of course I want to get my camera out. And if you look closely, the newspaper underneath the menorah is about the vaccines arriving in Minnesota — historical, I’d say.

Yesterday the Governor announced that all elementary schools could allow students back in mid-January for at least hybrid in-person teaching, and we sure have our fingers crossed that things our community’s virus numbers are down and teachers can get vaccinated soon so that this is a safe and welcome change. Because this kid? Man, does he want to GO to school (like, SOMEWHERE ELSE BESIDES MY OFFICE).

A small boy and his father light the menorah during the seventh night of hanukkah. Photo by Minneapolis documentary family photographer Leslie Plesser of Shuttersmack.
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