out to a concert!


01bwwLast night, we had the beloved Nyberg come over to babysit so Jamie and I could head out to a concert. We were excited to see the new buzz band Carseat Headrest, and it had been awhile since we'd been to a show at the Triple Rock (one of my favorite spots in town). I brought my camera and while I had pondered pitching this show to local publications to make a little money off the photos, I decided I'd rather come home after the show and go to bed (instead of staying up an additional hour or two processing and writing captions).GOOD DECISION, LESLIE.This band, while sounding fantastic, was sooooooo boring to photograph. They stood perfectly still, barely bobbing their heads for the first 40 minutes of the show. At which point, I put my camera away and wandered to the back of the club to say hello / have a drink with my friends.And with THAT sales pitch, if you'd like you can go over here to see the rest of these amazingly boring images.For your internet share of the day, I'm super proud of my hometown police department for hosting a cookout with the Black Lives Matter movement. I'm even more proud that the new police chief there came from Duluth. These kinds of steps give me hope.