over in the north loop


0612northlooppI had coffee with a friend from ... oh, I don't know. He's a tour manager with various bands so he's been on the road for almost a full year straight. So yeah. I don't know where he's from. Well, he's from Kansas originally, so we'll just say that.Anyway, we had coffee today because the band he's touring with is in town, and so we hit up One on One bike shop in town (they also make coffee). Anyway, it's one of the few coffee spots in the North Loop, which is sort of an "up and coming" (or already peaked, depending on who you ask) part of town. I really love the architecture down there -- especially all the huge windows. So I tried to capture that in the reflection of the bike shop window.For your internet share today, this is how Vanity Fair kept the Jenner story a secret. Fascinating!