

0107pawswThis girl gets a LOT of nap time during my workdays. Until about noon. Then, it's all, "Can we go for a walk? How about now? NOW? How about right NOW?" Until I take her for a quick walk.But when she's all curled up like this? Holy cow is she cute.For your internet shares of the day today, I enjoyed this piece about a father teaching his 4-year-old daughter all about Star Wars. And have you all played the lightsaber game with your phones yet? WHY NOT??And on the home decor front, I loved this etsy site dedicated to antique mirrors. I looooove antique mirrors. So much better than the new ones.And speaking of classic decor, one of my favorite shops ever (who I did not learn about until AFTER my bathroom renovation -- which probably saved me a fortune) is having a sale. Have at it.