pizzeria lola


0312pizzasmI promise I'm doing more than just eating these days... it's just that the food has been so dang good lately that I want to share it with you!Tonight we met up with our friends Steve and Jen for a pizza dinner before they have their second baby in 3 weeks. Wait, I mean their second baby is due in 3 weeks... not that she's given birth twice in 3 weeks. Whatever. You understand me, right?They live right near Pizzeria Lola, so we decided on dinner there, and holy mother of god have I told you how good their food is? Hands down, my favorite pizza is the Boise (cheese, potatoes and the sweetest, most delicious caramelized onions ever), but the Korean BBQ pizza (on the left, above) is also amazing. I mean, really, there is nothing bad at this joint.For my internet share of the day, I'm sending you to this AMAZING behind-the-scenes read about the Oscars. My favorite excerpt? Ok, try this one on for size:Brad Pitt smells amazing, like nothing I've ever smelled. Eventually we ask what cologne he's wearing and he tells us, "I don't wear cologne, it's just my musk I guess."Psh. "Oh, it's just my musk, I guess."